Sunday 10 January 2010

"Orphée aux enfers" - excerpts

We didn't get all the way through the score in this afternoon's rehearsal; however, I've found the following bits that require a bit of attention.

Act 1, No6 - Invocation à la mort, bars 17-25.  Pizzicato, goes quicker than I would like...  According to our conductor, this is to imitate a laugh.

Act 2, No12bis - Entrée de Pluton, bars 9ff.  Fiddly little semiquaver runs.

Act 2, No16 - Final, bars 82-82.  Fast quavers, accidentals everywhere.  Maybe I just needed coffee by this time, but it still felt awkward.

Act 3, No17 - Intermezzo, bars 9-12.  Again, just fiddly accidentals.

My other bit of homework is to write out the last eight bars of act 2, and the first sixteen of of the Intermezzo - there's a big cut in one, and we're reusing the other elsewhere.

That's it for now...  next rehearsal is next weekend, and this may throw up a few more bits for further attention.

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