Monday 14 June 2010

Beethoven Septet - Tricky bit

I love this piece of music - so many memories tied up with it.  However, there's just one bit that gives me a slight "urk" feeling when I see it hove into view - that's this bit in the middle of the third variation.

Yes, it's nice and slow, but it's still a little bit fiddly.  And it's such a good theme - Harmonious Blacksmith.  Still, it's something else for me to think about for next weekend...

I wonder if the non-aggression pact between the horn and violin is going to hold?  For those who don't know the piece, the Trio (of the Minuet) has a tricky horn bit, and the violinist has the potential to have set a cracking pace...  but if the violinist does do this, then the horn-player gets the option for revenge by setting his own blistering pace with a pseudo-hunting call at the start of the Scherzo.

It's too complicated to describe.  Just go and get a copy, or find it on Spotify...

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